Partner with Us for Inclusive Employment
Attention, employers! We seek your collaboration to provide internships, apprenticeships, and employment opportunities to support Veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those involved in the justice system. There are mutual benefits for all parties involved. We welcome any inquiries you may have about inclusive Employment in our community. Join us in our endeavor to make a meaningful impact.

Individual & Systems Advocacy
Core Services
Advocating for the civil rights and equality of people with disabilities by influencing and implementing legislation and policy at the local, state and federal level. Advocacy means working on, supporting or recommending a particular cause or policy.
Personal advocacy: an Individual acquires the knowledge and skills to solve his/her own problem, self-advocacy.
Peer advocacy: Two or more individuals with common goals assist one another to achieve advocacy goals.
Systems advocacy: The community works together to educate officials and influence legislation and policy at the local, state and federal level.
Legal advocacy: Individuals or classes file formal complaints or seek court remedies with local, state or federal entities such as the Departments of Justice and Transportation or housing authorities for purposes of eliminating barriers to access, or when civil rights are being violated.
We provide information on services and support such as adaptive equipment, transportation, accessible housing and other resources. We also provide referral services to groups and agencies that handle specific issues or programs pertinent to an individual’s needs.
TWP’s Call Center places callers in touch with the advocate or staff member most knowledgeable on the topic for which they are seeking information.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it possible for everyone with a disability to live a life of freedom and equality. Signed into law by the President of the United States on July 26, 1990 after passing with overwhelming bi-partisan Congressional support, the ADA was the first comprehensive declaration of equality for people with disabilities. The ADA protects the rights of people with disabilities in all aspects of employment, in accessing public services such as transportation, and guaranteeing access to private establishments (places of public accommodation) such as restaurants, stores, hotels and commercial buildings. Learn more about the ADA here.

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